River City Collision Centre - Business Directory

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River City Collision Centre - Business Directory

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River City Collision Centre

Address 3580 Portage Avenue Winnipeg Manitoba R3K 0Z8 Canada Phone: 204-837-3636 Toll Free Phone: 1-800-782-0079 Website: www.rivercitycollision.ca


River City Ford and River City Collision is a Full Service Dealership that services the west side of Winnipeg, including St. James and Charleswood, as well as surrounding areas of Headingley and Oak Bluff.  All aspects of a vehicle’s needs are optimized in one location.  We can assist in a vehicle’s entire lifespan.  We also specialize in Fleet & Commercial Sales and Service, Online Vehicle Sales and offer a pick up and delivery for all vehicle needs.  Our team is highly trained and has the opportunity to grow as a leader within the industry and the dealership with an extensive plan geared to constantly be challenging our Team.